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Until Now - Spinach pasta

August 14, 2021

Recently I posted this picture on Facebook, saying I had finally perfected my recipe for spinach pasta. A friend asked “is there anything you can’t do?” That question always bothers me. I don’t want to dwell on things I can’t do, and I try to practice humility. So like almost any time when something bothers me, I used the first three steps of my spiritual program. I admitted I had a problem. How do I answer this question? I remembered I have a Source that I could rely on for answers. And I turned my frustration over to that source. And listened. The next day, one of my morning readings reminded me “all things are possible through God.” Then at my next spiritual growth meeting I heard that good things happen if we work for them. Until now, I couldn’t make spinach noodles I was happy with. How did I get to now? I researched pasta making machines and found one that had good reviews and was affordable. Then I asked a loved one to get me one for Christmas, in response to a “what do you want” question. I studied the instructions and studied the recipes. My husband and I took the leap and tried making noodles. They weren’t great, but we had fun. Each time we tried, we got better. Then I tried it on my own, and got better. By asking for help and doing the work, I got to “until now.” And the linguini was heavenly! And I know how to answer that question “is there anything you can’t do?" Thank you Carrie Newcomer for your #UntilNowProject.

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